these are projects that i’m either actively working on, or have worked on in the past!

bean to me!
a fun twist on mancala read the rest of "bean to me!"

snolf mania requiem ultimax
the most modern SNOLF yet read the rest of "snolf mania requiem ultimax"

arcade racing action in a psychedelic drum & bass world read the rest of "psifrost"

snolf tournament edition
now with scoring and multiplayer read the rest of "snolf tournament edition"

tiny melon friend's big melon adventure
my backburner project read the rest of "tiny melon friend's big melon adventure"

snolf cd - a snolf in time
snolfing through time read the rest of "snolf cd - a snolf in time"

snolf 3 & knolf - the sonic golf experience, part ii
yes, i did it again read the rest of "snolf 3 & knolf - the sonic golf experience, part ii"

a roguelike in rust read the rest of "officerl"

a twitchy arcade joyblast read the rest of "da-da-dashbonk"

snolf - the sonic golf experience
sonic 2, but sonic’s a golf ball now read the rest of "snolf - the sonic golf experience"

berry abode
wholesome berry farming with friends read the rest of "berry abode"

signature dish
chilled-out cookery simulator, with comedic results read the rest of "signature dish"

space delivery
quirky post service in outer space read the rest of "space delivery"

shmup with manual gear-shifting read the rest of "rustbuquet"

colourful colony-sim-sandbox read the rest of "colourny"

porcelain pork purloiner
stealth platformer with a 60s animation style read the rest of "porcelain pork purloiner"

making a mug of hot chocolate
comedic interactive fiction read the rest of "making a mug of hot chocolate"

elastic sword
wacky arcade swordfighting with quirky characters in cyberspace read the rest of "elastic sword"

space questionmark
game jam space survival sim read the rest of "space questionmark"

ultimate discord: infinity
a twinstick shooter made in 5 hours read the rest of "ultimate discord: infinity"

procedurally generated volumetric planets
university coursework for procedural generation read the rest of "procedurally generated volumetric planets"

tragic magic
motion-controlled spellcasting arcade game read the rest of "tragic magic"

arduino LED cubes for an art gallery read the rest of "interplanetary"

twisting spline & crt
university coursework for glsl shaders read the rest of "twisting spline & crt"

dad simulator
bizarre comedy game with hand-tracking controls read the rest of "dad simulator"

drift off
gamejam game (ludum dare 30) read the rest of "drift off"

multithreaded raytracer
university coursework for multithreading read the rest of "multithreaded raytracer"

top dog
a shmup made in flash for university read the rest of "top dog"